TEMCA GmbH & Co. KG has been a specialist in the market for hygiene market for hygiene products.
TEMCA GmbH & Co. KG has been a specialist in the market for hygiene market for hygiene products.
We bear responsibility - economically, socially and for our environment.
Whether in the bakery, butcher’s shop, in the kitchen or at the sausage counter – fresh, tasty and healthy food with 100% quality is expected by the consumer every day.
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The health of people in highly sensitive facilities such as nursing homes, laboratories, hospitals, operating theaters, and clinics is a top priority – and exceptionless and conscientious hygiene is essential.
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In schools, daycare centers, conference facilities and administrative offices, many people from a wide variety of backgrounds come together every day – consistent hygiene is a basic requirement here.
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Workshops, car dealerships, paint stores, service stations… all work with complex manufacturing processes and zero-defect qualities. Construction and machine parts as well as tools must not only be clean, but absolutely pure throughout the entire manufacturing process. Unwanted oils and greases are out of place here.
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No matter whether hotel, canteen, restaurant, bar, canteen kitchen, catering, Horeca or service area – enthusiastic guests whose expectations are not only met but exceeded are the best advertising.
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